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Together, We Save Lives

We are a company committed to supporting trainers in CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid where we believe that everyone should have the ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.


We work to democratize CPR teaching, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. Through innovative and interactive tools for those who teach and seek to learn these high-impact skills every day.

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Innovate in the CPR learning process


By 2030
of people trained with RCPractica

practica RCP

Know our history

rcpractica is a Mexican product that was born in the search to democratize CPR so that everyone can practice and be able to save lives.


We invite you to see some places that have talked about us


Leaders in Innovation Fellowship

Egresada Tec crea dispositivo para aprender reanimación cardiaca


¡Salvando vidas!

Egresada Tec crea dispositivo para aprender reanimación cardiaca

A product designed and manufactured by Soluciones Kenko S.A. of C.V.

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